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    The ” ghost in the machine ” is a term originally used to describe and critique the notion of the mind existing alongside the body. In more recent times, the term is used to label an emergent consciousness coming from computers. The term originates with British philosopher Gilbert Ryle ‘s description of René Descartes ‘ mind-body dualism.
    machine” in these works, lost in the motion capture and animation processes. 1 These works also help me realize what it will mean to be human in the twenty-first century, as individuals and communities shape and are shaped by an environment that is increasingly a complicated network of the natural, the socio/cultural, and the technological.
    Ghost in the machine. Although forbidden to see each other, Ryan and Sarah continue their investigation of the mysterious happenings at the dredge by communicating through video clips, text messages, midnight meetings, and journaling. The reader may view videos on a website by using links and passwords found in the text.
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