How To Check Birthdays on Snapchat?


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    Snapchat made lots of changes in the recent updates in 2023. Before, Snapchat had a feature called Snapchat birthday mini that used to check all the upcoming birthdays on snapchat. But, the birthday mini was removed from Snapchat in March 2023. Now the question is, how to check birthdays on snapchat if the birthday mini has been removed. Here’s how –
    1. Open the Snapchat And go to the chat option.
    2. Click on “Bitmoji” of the friends you want to see their birthday.
    3. On the profile, you’ll see the person’s birthday below their snapchat username with a balloon emoji, day and month along with their snap score and zodiac sign.
    4. To see all upcoming birthdays of your friends at once arranged in chronological order. Click on the birthday with the balloon emoji.
    The birthday feature shows all the upcoming birthdays of your friends on snapchat.

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